and so it goes...

my silence is my self defense

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

weird dreams

as promised, in my last 20 minutes of illing time at work, here are the crazy dreams i had last night....

i had three different dreams that all took place in the same setting and all three involved death. everyone was staying in this really nice hotel and there was a large auditorium, similar to the one in the mellon institute only much nicer. in the first dream, ram died (sorry). and we held a big assembly in the auditorium where for some reason i had to give a big speech similar to a eulogy. it was weird. in the second dream this kid who is a bio major, who no one who reads this would know, died and again the big assembly and the speech. in my dreams it was weird to be giving these speeches for these dead people who i didn't know very well. i had no idea why they chose me, but i had to go along with it. in the third dream, the doctor told me that i would be dead on thursday (it was tuesday that day in my dream) and i of course got all nervous and flipped out. i was also getting sick in the dream and i figured that was why i was going to die. on wednesday they had a big assembly for me, which was weird after the previous two dreams, and because of the fact that i was still alive. i guess they wanted me to be there for the assembly. instead of someone giving a big speech, snsers acted out parts of my life (nothing so remarkable that i remember specifics, but i remember that they focused on some plays that i had been in or something). i felt very weird to be watching my life on stage and laughing and crying along with it as if it were a play or a movie. then i went to sleep in the hotel bed wednesday night and woke up on thursday morning, and i was still alive-- hooray! but i was still sick and was sure that i would die at some point during the day. i kept having random adventures (again i don't remember specifics) in which i would be happy to be alive but full of nervousness and a foreboding feeling that death was coming. throughout this part of the dream i was tossing and turning in bed because i was cold; gerrit's air conditioner was on super-high, arctic blast. i tried snuggling with him to get warm but he was sleeping with his back to me. finally i woke up to use the bathroom and didn't fall back into the same dream. i'm happy to report that i didn't actually ever die in my dream, but it was still really weird. then i dreamed about other stuff that i don't remember until the alarm went off at 8:30 this morning.

anyone who likes to analyze dreams, feel free to go for it with this set.

no fluffies were involved in my dreams which was weird because i like fluffies.


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