and so it goes...

my silence is my self defense

Friday, April 07, 2006

updating my blog

partly by necessity and partly by request....

i am slightly drunk and updating my blog! woohoo! this is exciting because i haven't updated in about a month.

important basics...
- i finished my rotation in the koelle lab (and really enjoyed it) and i am now rotating in dave wells lab. i play with brains.
-that is brains like zombies eat "braaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiinnnns." it's more fun that way
-actually i do a lot of westerns and will be doing a good amount of immunohistochemistry and in situs but who really cares about that but me....
-i went to nyc last weekend with diana, and she miklos and i saw phantom of the opera for $20 standing in the back of the orchestra section and it was awesome
-i did shakespeare with a bunch of people last week and it was really awesome and made me miss theater and i hope they do it again
-i got a solo in a song for my acapella group. i get to sing "goodbye earl" by the dixie chicks. and that kicks a good amount of ass
-i was in lab until 10:30 tonight and then i went to gpscy and got drunk. yay gpscy!! i love working there!!! i am working tomorrow (friday) so come visit me!!!
-also tomorrow (friday) is the first friday at five thing in the gryffindor common room/mcdougal center where there will be free food and drink and maybe the cute shakespeare guy and that would be good.
-and maybe all of my western blots will amount into something exciting in lab.
-and maybe i will win a million dollars!!
yeah right.
-the low point of my day was going to the gynecologist and having to wait for a rediculous amount of time. i waited for 15 minutes half naked in a room for a doctor. it was awful. and i'm sorry if you didn't need to know that, but it was absolutely rediculous that i waited for a total of about an hour for an appointment that took a total of about 20 minutes. and that's only because the doctor i had talked a lot. holy crap. i learned a lot of unnecessary stuff about myself and humankind.
-tomorrow is friday. i'm not going into lab until at least 10. and then i will go to the gryffindor common room for food and drink and spend the rest of my night working at gpscy. a lovely existance. at least i don't have to sit on my ass and do nothing all the time...

also, i got an nsf grant. yay me!! uh yeah.

does anyone want to see "thank you for smoking" with me? it's playing at the criterion and i'm sure at other places too. just let me know....

also i am in need of a back rub... any volunteers are welcome. seriously.



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