and so it goes...

my silence is my self defense

Monday, February 06, 2006

crazy fun weekend of recruitment, partying, steelers and free food!

between thursday and sunday...
number of free meals: 3
number of alcoholic beverages consumed: ~22
bets won: 1 ($20)
phone calls/text messages from fellow steelers fans: 5
number of listens to the "here we go steelers" song: billions
number of times i was told to sing the "here we go steelers" song: 10 (actually sung: 2)
leftover beer, pizza, chips, dip: way too much
pounds gained: at least 5
new friends made: lots

it was a very fun weekend! obviously. here are some highlights....

-meet the recruits at BAR. mine wasn't there, sadly. then go to hot tomatos for drinsk and dessert
-chocolate cake!
-sour appletinis
-spent way too much of the program's money and got yelled at

-free lunch
-interesting discussion about the impression that the recruits get of the amount of drinking that happens at yale
-gpscy party: secret blog readers, free beer, having some people at gpscy know who i am now

-shopping for the superbowl party. i found honey brown in the shaws and that is my favorite cheap beer. and brad bought me coffee because the girl at the counter made him feel guilty.
-free dinner and wine
-whiskey sours, quarters, and good conversations with recruits and fellow grad students at richters
-i think i convinced a couple people that yale is pretty awesome
-random house party on whitney: crazy bus driver, getting lost, more free beer, singing bon jovi
-erica told the recruits that i am awesome and one of them wanted to know if i was married. he was kind of cute too.
-no hooking up with recruits (that would be bad)
-so many people facebooked

-cooked bread, brownies, artichoke dip (thanks to beej for the recipe)
-superbowl party at casey's house, with wings, pizza, beer, and strawberry daquaris. not to mention a butt ton of chips and dip
-yay stillers!!
-yay winning $20 from brad
-yay terrible towl
-yay gray's anatomy for being amazing

next sunday, i will be hosting a gray's anatomy viewing and hopefully will get rid of lots of leftover food.

i will be working at gpscy this week on saturday and possibly tonight as well, so come visit me!

i have nothing to do in lab today but wait for my dna sequences to come in. my worms won't be ready for me until tomorrow. and that is good because jess will be back tomorrow and she can help me with my crosses and see if the worms have the right phenotype or not. my first rotation lab (that i'm not planning on joining) invited me to have birthday cake with them tomorrow afternoon. i don't know if i will go or not.

it's getting cold again this week! and it's supposed to snow this weekend! i'm going to try to convince brad to drive me to go skiing again. hooray!

i should try to go to the gym this week since i am getting fatter all the time.

also, today i will be going to health services to have them fix my right ear so i can hear properly again. being half-deaf sucks. i said "what?" so many times yesterday because i couldn't understand anything people were saying. awful.

another recruitment weekend to look forward to this weekend, although i am not hosting this time so it will be less stressful and less fattening. but still lots of fun!

woo! fluffies are bored in lab!


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