and so it goes...

my silence is my self defense

Saturday, February 04, 2006

random blog fans!

tonight at gpscy i met a bunch of people who i didn't know who read my blog. kind of creepy but flattering. and i'm going with mostly flattering at this point.

one was sierra who was my host at recruitment weekend last year. another is nate who went to cmu and also graduated 2005. and another is jonas (sp?) who just reads my blog? but there is some background story about them knowing rich and finding pictures of him in my blog at some point and then reading it from then on.... i'm not really sure; there was a good amount of free beer involved in my evening.

but anyway, i had a good long conversation with nate about pittsburgh and cmu and going back to visit for carnival (again who is going to let me stay with them???). and that was good. (by the way, i bet brad $20 that the steelers would win by at leat 4 points on sunday, so you all better be routing for that!!) and all the people that i talked to that randomly read my blog seemed cool. so hooray!!!

(also, by the way, the cute bartender wasn't working tonight, but one of the bartenders, tim, knows who i am, which is awesome. soon all of them will know me, i hope, as i continue to work there.)

the superbowl party this sunday will be at casey's house. and i will be making strawberry daquaries from scratch (really the only way to make them) and it will be awesome so you better all come if you are in new haven. even you random blog readers are invited to come. i don't know the correct address right now, but i will post it later, i promise. so come for football and stillers and beer and daquiris and wings and goodness of all kinds!!

and fluffies wearing terrible towels!!

ps. bettis at cmu!!! (go to the second photo)


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