and so it goes...

my silence is my self defense

Wednesday, September 22, 2004


applying to grad schools is insanely expensive. i'm going to be spending over $1000 on application fees, taking the gres (general and subject test), sending out transcripts, and sending my gre scores. rediculous. good thing my parents agreed to pay for my housing this semester and let me keep my little scholarship as spending cash instead of it going towards tuition like normal.

in other news, i am now in charge of the projection for bat boy. as soon as i agreed to do it, i realized that i'm stupid and don't know anything about anything, nor do i have any ideas for things yet. and i should come up with at least a photo shooting plan/script by board preview. it would be nice to have photos to show at bp, too. i'm dumb.

and the weeks of school-craziness begin next week, with two papers due and three exams in my two weeks, plus all the insane time i spend working in lab.

for those of you who i never see because we are all so busy, i got into counterpoint, which i'm really excited about, i joined the pulse as a photographer-- my first photos should be posted soon; i took photos for the student spotlight feature-- i volunteered to help with dlists for the photo club and maybe help coordinate a gallery showing for the club members. i don't kmow how much of the photo club stuff will be happening though, because right now only one guy is running the club. sad. also, i'm a ta (fake) for the undergraduate lab course, i'm a peer tutor for chem and bio (already a night of walk-in plus two standing appointments each week), and i spend the rest of my time in the woolford lab so that maybe i can have something to write about when i do an honors thesis next semester. and on top of all of that, i'm still the sns historian. and i'm applying to ten grad schools and an nsf grant to fund my research. have to write four short essays for the nsf grant. at least my personal statement is in the rough draft form. that gives me one less thing to worry about. and 7 out of 10 applications are almost complete-- just a few more details to fill in.

and everybody (or maybe just a few people) wonder why i'm never around! all that and i tend to go to bed early :p.

i'm looking forward to a weekend filled with bio with another bio phi bar friday and the bio sac retreat to dr. brown's cabin this weekend. i like having very little to do on the weekends work-wise. fantastic.

fluffies are still doing well. they like living in my windowsill and on my bed. there hasn't been as much good food, like cookies and pie, this semester so far. hopefully that will change because i like cookies and pie.

my birthday is in a little more than a month!! actually 5 weeks from now! yay! buy me presents! and make me pie! cute little pies with eyes and smiles and good smell lines coming out of them like my shirt today! woohoo!

yay fluffies.


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