and so it goes...

my silence is my self defense

Saturday, September 18, 2004

random encounters

i went to the bio phi bar friday tonight. it really was a lot of fun and i had a rather good time hanging out with people. but i randomly ran into none other than BRIAN NAMEY at phi bar!! how crazy is that?? the former president of the student body and vice president of sns is in the same bar that i am. we said hello and how are you doing and that was about it, but it was still so random.

then i went to a party for someone's 21st bday. that was also fun, but more awkward because i knew less people there. so i called a bunch of people who had said they might be doing fun and exciting things tonight and talked to them and they all said that they were having fun and that i should come over later, but that things weren;t too terribly exciting at the moment and things were ok instead of great.

i hung out at the party for a little while longer and then went over to miklos and phil's place. that turned out to be an odd mistake. it was partly good that i went over and i think some people (or at least one person) were glad that i did. but while there i was also informed that i am a terrible horrible person and also a terrible horrible friend. now, i'm not trying to say that i am a wonderful person, and i don;t always have good excuses for not being around, but i really don;t think i'm that terrible. at least i hope i'm not. but apparently i treat people like piles of poop and don't deserve to hang out anymore. in general i just suck. i don't know what to say or do about that anymore.


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