and so it goes...

my silence is my self defense

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

i just have to say

there are really only two things that one can do really piss me off:

1. be rewarded or honored when it isn't deserved at all. like cheating or taking credit for someone else's work. or doing nothing and being given many many second chances that aren't deserved.

2. promising something and then not following through.

hence, i was very upset to learn last night that gerrit, connor, kaitlin and phil are not coming to new haven to visit this weekend because of some unfortunate bad planning. i know it's no one's fault and i don't want to blame anyone, but it really made me upset because it made me feel forgotten. like i wasn't important enough to be thought of. that coming to visit me wasn't a big priority on everyone's lists. and i know that it shouldn't be top priority; i guess i just thought it would be more important that it actually is to these people. by the way, gerrit, connor, and kaitlin (if you still read this), i still love you guys, and i really want you to visit some time. i'm feeling better about this today, after thinking things over. i know i have a tendency to overreact and be stupid sometimes and that is not good. and miklos and josh are still coming up so that is awesome. the weekend still promises to be fun. hopefully i'll remember to take out my camera and take lots of photos too!

today was just a bad day in general because i was in a pretty crappy mood all day long. since i was up late last night being upset, i was exhausted for most of the day. i was cranky and had a headache. things didn't go so well in lab. i did a transformation and then realized that we didn't have any plates with the correct selective media. luckily i got to steal plates from another lab so it wasn't an entirely wasted day.

after i got out of lab i went to the store and bought peanut butter and chocolate chips. gerrit was going to bring me whole foods peanut butter this weekend but obviously that's not happening any more. so i bought some natural peanut butter with honey. yum. and i will make chocolate chip cookies later tonight after yoga. hooray!

fluffies are nice and always like to visit me! because they live with me!


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