and so it goes...

my silence is my self defense

Monday, July 18, 2005

weekend update

it has been one crazy, soggy weekend!

friday was incredibly sucky because everyone i know and usually hang out with left town or the house at any rate to be anti-social. that left me on the couch in front of the tv. i finished wicked though, and worked on my cross stitch. i decided to go to the end of the harry potter party at barnes and noble in squirrel hill. after some investigation of bus arrival times, i set off to get on a bus to murray ave. i stood outside at midnight for 30 minutes; three buses and three cmu shuttles passed me going the opposite direction. at that point i was extremely upset and angry, so i went to bed.

going to bed early turned out to be a good idea. i woke up at 9:15 and went running in schenly. i got to see a bunch of antique cars for the the grand prix. interesting. then i walked to squirrel hill to get my harry potter book... in the pouring rain. it wouldn't have been so bad except the blue dye in my skirt bled all over me. i turned into a smurf and left little blue puddles all over barnes and noble. but i got the book! after spending the afternoon reading, connor and i went to hemmingways with josh for dinner. we were later joined by kaitlin and gerrit, and then went to the party at tanrow's place. fun and drinks were had by all.

sunday we all woke up late and ate crepes for breakfast. we went to the science center to see the candy exhibit and charlie and the chocolate factory. while waiting for the bus, we stopped the ice cream truck in the middle of fifth ave. awesome! we got off the bus at the wrong stop and ended up walking for about 30 minutes to the science center... in the pouring rain, again! air conditioning and wet don't mix well and i was freezing the entire time. best moment of the day: running up to the science center through the puddles, soaking wet, yelling, "i love science! we'll do anything for science!" good times. the candy exhibit was kinda lame, but the movie was awesome. and the one preview they showed was for harry potter and the goblet of fire.

we got home on the appropriate bus, and also discovered the better way to get to the science center from downtown. i finished the half-blood prince while cooking a dinner of carribean jerk chicken for everyone. food was good.

the book was fantastic. i really like how jk rowling is connecting things from the first few books (those that were probably written before she had a clear idea of how the series was going to turn out). i'm still a bit upset about the death in this book; it's definitely more shocking than in hp5. i understand why it had to happen in order to progress the story though. at any rate, it was a very good book, continuation of the set up for the last book from book 5, with enough excitement to keep you really involved.

i should probably do some lab work today, since that's my job.



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