and so it goes...

my silence is my self defense

Thursday, August 18, 2005

tonight's dinner was really good

we ate at chris's house. i made bread and fondue which everybody liked, carolyn brought the wine, chris made pasta primavera with salmon, and erica made chocolate peacan pie. everything was delicious. we played a game called loser, which i amazingly didn't lose. we had fun. everyone but me went home with a significant other, or went home to call a significant other.

and here i am sitting by myself posting to my blog. what a sad existance.

everyone i know i new haven is either getting laid right now or talking on the phone about it. everyone i know in pittsburgh right now is at a party having a fun time. how lame am i?

i don;t think i've ever been in quite this position before. here i am, everyone i know is either out still having fun, or at home tucking in a significant other. and i'm sitting here alone with fluffies and a computer. i hate this. i miss the snuggles and the happy and the love. and i miss the feeling of having a place where i belong. because sure i belong when everyone is in a big group and all together, but as soon as we split up i'm all alone. and i'm the only one all alone. i'm wearing my new cute little black dress and no one at all gives a shit. makes me feel like worthless shit. like stray dog shit that no one picks up because it's not there dog and they don;t have to.

i hate everything but fluffies.


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