my update for the week
i'm glad i got to hang out with people tonight, even if just for a short while. it;s a lot of fun.
here are some quotes from wednesday (?) that were funny:
Phil in response to joe dating me, and me being everyone's little sister- "you know you're committing statuatory rope"
Miklos in response to random Connan late night with michelle branch- " i'd like to climb her brance if you know what i mean."
Miklos talking about his couch cusion- "it's like a condom that you zip up!"
Joe- "hi cat. you're warm. i like you"
so this weekend we go from one extreme to another. from joe and i have a giant stupid arguement last night and me being pathetically drunk to us being happy together and good sex and joe being so drunk he is sleeping on my couch. ah, such is my life.
i hope my roommate had a good weekend at brian's house. i would feel awful for alex and then not know what to do because i never know what to do in a situation like that. i guess just try to support her. god this is the best roommate situation i have ever been in. i'm so glad we're getting along and can hang out and stuff. it';s been so good so far. i hope alex feels the same way and knows that i don't hate her at all (actually i love her to death) even though i'm never around because i'm always in joe's room.
on a completely different note, i'm less nervous about script proposals later tonight. i'm prety sure my script will pass along with scott/matt's. director's propoals are going to be another storu though. it will be really interesting to see what happens. i know i am not the favortite, but i know i have a lot of what i hope are good ideas and i have the time to direct this semester. i also thin k this show will get this awfulo time slot out of the terrible hole it's been in the past couple years. part of me doesn';t really care what show is passed as long as a lot of people come see it and support it, but i think that will not happen as easily if the show is half harold pintor and half improv. although i must say that the script for the harold pintor was really good. i guess we shall see what the board thinks....
bah, life is crazy.