and so it goes...

my silence is my self defense

Friday, March 26, 2004


so my new fluffy met lots of people last wednesday and friday and this wednesday too. and he likes them all. yay pudgy fluffy!!!

also last friday's party was awesome. (see the pics in my andrew space) this friday there should be an awesome party too i think. that would be fun and make my terrible week a little bit better.

so here's what's up:
two exams on wed nearly killed me
painting is fun, but there's a lot of painting to do
politics is not fun to argue about
i didn't get the goldwater scholarship
tomorrow i have an interview for the beckman scholars program for work this summer and next year. wish me luck.
i hate classes in general, even if the topic of classes is cool.
my new fluffy is awesome.
i like all fluffies.
joe is tipsy and arguementative.
i'm bored of this conversation because i don't know what's going on politically in this world
cabaret is going to be insane.
my experiment at work didn't work well today/yesterday.
i need to fix that experiment.
i am going to find out if jelly bellies and chocolate chips have genetically engineered products in them on tuesday.
i should have gone out with miklos or erica tonight instead of staying at home.
connor and joe's bboard is fun.
i'm going to read my book (good omens, by terry pratchet and neil gaiman, which is awesome)

end of this discussion.

Thursday, March 18, 2004

new fluffy arrival

so he come on tuesday!

and he is a big fat fluffy so his name will be pudgy fluffy.

he came to beth's last night to meet everyone. he said he liked everyone except for people who smush fluffy faces in because that is mean. we both had a good time last night though. it was lots of fun!!

read connor and joe's bboard for details.

hug the fluffy!

Saturday, March 13, 2004


a new fluffy is coming to pittsburgh! joe the poo got him for me.

you can meet him now. he says hello.

i'm not sure what to name him yet. i think i will have to meet him first. maybe i'll use connor's suggestion of naming him chocolate fluffy or something like that. suggestions for names will be appreciated.


Monday, March 08, 2004

new rule

over spring break i should not have to brush two inches of snow off of my car.

Friday, March 05, 2004

spring break 2k4

back for more!!!

woohoo! happy spring break everybody! call me and we'll hang out!