i moved into my new apartment today. man is it hot!! and today was one of the most rediculous days ever. however, since i haven't posted in about a week, i owe all you faithfull readers (all two of you) a bigger update. let's start with today's fiascos and then go back to the beginning of the week....
friday, august 12:
today was the big day. with the minivan all packed up with the rest of my stuff i trekked off to connecticut with my parents and my grandma. we arrived and unpacked the car with out problems and then started unpacking the boxes. this also wasn't too terrible although i have way too much stuff. it's absolutely rediculous. first, a small disaster when we almost lost my new bike (which was originally my mom's bike and therefore is older than me). i had left it outside of the back of the house; my dad though i had put it in the basement. i thought i had told him that where it was and that he had put it in the basement. it was all very silly. the real disaster ocurred because my mom is stupid. my bedroom door can be locked but only from the inside because i don't have a key to the lock. she was playing with the lock and with my keys, trying to figure out if one of them went to that door. of course none do. but she left the door locked. a great gust of wind came through my window and blew the door shut... locking me and everyone else out of my own bedroom!! my mom is dumb. we had to get a locksmith to come out and break the door knob. very silly. then we went to home depot to get a new door knob, this one with a key to go along with it. of course it doesn't fit in my door. poop. but at least i can get into my room again. there's just a hole in the door. not that it matters. i'm not even going to be sleeping in my room tonight because i don't have a bed yet-- couch it is! plus, half the lights up to the third floor apartment don't work, there are several light switches in my apartment that go to nothing, and my light switch is aparently a big fire hazard for reasons that i don't understand. and it's about 90 million degress in this apartment. i was sweating rediculous amounts all day long. ewwwww. on the plus side of life, i managed to find good rice at the shaws grocery store: some jasmine rice (gerrit would be proud) and some basmiti rice (that spelling is probably bad, but it's the indian kind of rice and it is yummy). so tomorrow i get to play with my new rice cooker. yay! and all the fluffies are here!!
and now back in time.....
last weekend, august 5, 6, and 7:
family reunion weekend! not that exciting actually. we arrived on friday night late, but dinner was on the table ready for everyone. i was so upset about various things-- that have mostly been resolved by now-- that i just stayed in the car for hours and cried a lot. saturday was a much better day. lots of food, a little bit of beer, lots of random family members chatting about other family members. highlights of the day include smores and a bon fire and the awesome fireworks.

my uncle bought them in tennessee. it was lots of fun and i got to play with lots of pretty sparklers. not just the boring kind that sparkle white, but color changing sparklers! they went from pink to gold to green before burning out.

here is my brother tom playing with sparklers:

sunday morning we went to my cousin lauren's brand new coffee shop called sips (149 pattonwood drive, rochester, ny 14617. if you're ever in or around rochester, you should check it out). it was a really nice place with tasty flavored coffees and good sandwiches. i got two kinds of coffee: cinnamon swirl and blueberry. and i got a pretty coffee mug too. in general it was fun!
monday, august 8:
i did nothing. i tried to clean out my closet and failed with a candle fell out of a box and landed right on top of my new mug and broke the handle :(. it was very sad. but my daddy fixed it.
tuesday, august 9:
some errands happened and i spent a bunch of money on things for my new apartment. then that evening i went to see charlie and the chocolate factory with jess and gabby, two of my friends from high school that i hadn't seen in about two years. i had issues getting into gabby's house and ended up sitting in the driveway for about 15 minutes while they were sitting in the house. neither of us knew the other was there. it was all very silly. we went out to ruby tuesdays before the movie to have drinks and dessert. jess just turned 21 last week and is rather enthusiastic about the whole thing. good times.
wednesday, august 10:
doctor and dentist appointments in the morning. at the doctor, the nurse had to stick me in both arms to draw blood because she sucked. at the dentist i found out that i don't have any cavities but i have a few demineralizations. i'm not sure what the difference is between that and a cavity, but it really seems like demineralizations are just smaller, non-painful versions of cavities. but who knows. i also got to hang out with miklos, phil, and hae na and a bunch of hae na's friends in nyc, and that was the good part of the day. we bussed from miklos's house to the city and then waited "10 to 15 minutes" (ie. an hour) for hae na to tell us where to meet her and then waited for her to get there. we ate dinner at a mexican place called caliente where i got a huge pina colada that had 151 in it. then we went to this bar called off the wagon. it was lady's night and all drinks/shots/beers were $2 for girls! it was awesome! and they served the drinks in pink cups so they could tell. hee hee. i had several vanilla vodka and cokes, a whiskey sour, and a sex on the beach. the dj there played a lot of good music including the killers! it was very fun. the only sad part was when gerrit called when he and kaitlin and connor were getting wings and i couldn't talk to anybody because they were all covered in wing sauce aparently. we went back to nj on the last bus at 1am and i slept at miklos's house.
thursday, august 11:
packing day! although most of my stuff was already packed. but still it was a good amount of work. i also had gotten the pattern that katie used to make the pit singer dresses and made myself a nice dress. i like it. my family went out to "fancy" dinner to the spinning wheel diner, which is not fancy at all. they do have a lot of different foods though. i got stuffed shrimp, which was not very good. my mom liked it though so i gave her the leftovers to eat for lunch tomorrow. she's crazy. on the drive home i saw a bunch of hot air balloons in the sky, and that made me happy. i've always wanted to go on a hot air balloon ride, but i've never gotten the chance. someday somebody should propose to me in a hot air balloon; that would be awesome. anyway, we filled up the car with all of my stuff. that night in front of the tv, i fixed and patched all the things that needed fixing and patching. that included the brown skinny fluffy who got some more fluff (actually quilting batting but same thing) put in him and surgery on his holes. he is a happy fluffy, and significantly fatter.
and then today happened and now i'm in new haven and it's hot as all hell! and i have no door knob.
i just tried to call gerrit and his phone is off and it makes me terribly sad. it's been really hard being without him these last two weeks. hopefully it will get easier, but right now it doesn't seem like it. talking to him on aim is like talking to anyone who is doing three things at once on aim. and so that always sucks. my cell phone doesn't get good reception at all in nj, so talking to him on the phone sucked, too, because we'd get disconnected every few minutes. and he's always so busy doing things in pittsburgh that he doesn't have time to talk when we are on the phone. it all sucks. i miss him so much, i feel like i'm being replaced by other people, i feel like he doesn't miss me at all (even though i know that's not true, it's just so hard to understand how he feels about everything when i never get to talk to him and on aim or on the phone he is often hard to read or we don't talk about it). i miss sharing a bed with him. sleeping with just fluffies is going to be weird in my new full sized bed. generally, i hate this whole thing. if i could i would go back to pittsburgh right now and forget about everything else i'm doing. but if i do that i also feel like i wouldn't be welcome back in pgh. i mean, i still have lots of friends there who love me and would want to hang out with me. but they would give me weird looks if i were to show up there and tell them i was staying. poop. :( so now that my phone actually gets reception, gerrit's phone is off. grrrrrrrrrrr. and when i was organizing things in my room, i found the birthday card he gave me and it made me very sad, too. i miss you so much gewit. i want you back. or at least for now, just answer your phone or something! poop.
enough of that. if anyone reads this in the same room as that silly poopface, gerrit, poke him hard for me please.
i guess i will put up the stars that go on my ceiling now, and go to bed soon. i have to get up semi-early tomorrow to call the bed place about them delivering my new bed. not that it makes a difference because i've been getting up at 9am every day for the past two weeks. and tonight i'm sleeping in the living room, which faces east and has lots of big windows. there's no way i'm sleeping late tomorrow.
and tomorrow will involve more organizing and exploring new haven a bit and hanging out with chris (who i met on the interview weekend) probably. so that will be good. and fluffies are good and they are here. so life isn't terrible. but boys are stupid and i need to start collecting rocks.
here are some pictures to cheer you up!
this is at the thing in shadyside where they let you drink on the street. giant miller lite bottle is getting a big hug!

wtf!?!?! tyson actually came to drink with me my last night in pittsburgh (so did ram and beth and ashley and mike yin and sara rockwell but that was expected).

gerrit's drink spilled and it was funny.

and here's the fatsome foursome!